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How To Start A Tutorial Center in Nigeria

Do you know that you can make a fortune running a public tutorial centre in Nigeria? If you need good information on how to start your public tutorial centre business in Nigeria, read this post till the end because you will be provided with the necessary information to kickstart the business. 

The educational market is worth entering in Nigeria. There are so many profitable business opportunities in the market. 

Setting up a tutorial centre to teach people one subject or more is one of the available business opportunities in the educational market in Nigeria. 

Nigerians value western education. No doubt we are among the most educated people on earth. The need to have western education is visible for everyone to see. Education is the only weapon available to fight illiteracy. The more knowledgeable people are, the better the country is supposed to be. 

Unarguably, Nigeria’s budget for education every year is low. The quality of public education is nothing to write home about. Public schools are not properly funded and taken care of by the government and administrators. There is a lack of good learning facilities for students for all-around education. The majority of the teachers are not dedicated to their work.

In order to meet up with the perceived quality, better alternatives are sought after. This makes people send their children to private schools and spend as much as they can to get them properly educated. The enrollment in private schools in Nigeria is higher compared to other African countries. 

There are different levels of education and each one of them comes with its own benefits and rewards. Having a degree in any field of study opens people to opportunities in today’s Nigeria. People struggle to afford the cost that comes with it. 

In Nigeria, it’s required that students must have a minimum of five SSCE credit passes to include English Language and Mathematics and other related subjects in the course they want to study. Some students don’t make their credits at once and this calls for writing another exam. 

To sit again for exams, they need to prepare. As they are done with their secondary education, they need a tutorial centre to attend. Some students don’t learn well in class and need special attention. While some are lazy to read but when results are out and reality presents itself, they have no other option than to tighten their belts and prepare well for another exam. 

Apart from the students who are resisting exams, there are some who are writing WAEC or NECO or JAMB for the first time and they want to prepare themselves well for exams, they need good teachers to teach them privately or a good public tutorial centre to attend. 

Entrepreneurs look for good problems to solve for people and make money. If you can cater for students with these needs, money will definitely flow in your direction seamlessly. 

Entrepreneurs also look at the market size before they go into it because the size is among what determines money-making opportunities for the market players. You can’t make a mistake participating in this market where the opportunities can never be exhausted. 

If you look at the expenditure pattern of Nigeria year in and year out, food, education, and rent are always top the list. Things won’t change anytime soon. People can’t do without all these things. 

Starting and running a public tutorial centre in Nigeria is straightforward if you know how to. This is what I mean: gather a good number of students who want to attend a tutorial centre, teach them well, encourage them to study well and pass their exams, and the results will bring more students to your centre. 

In this post, I will be revealing how anyone can start a public tutorial centre business to cater for the educational needs of senior secondary school students and make money in Nigeria.

Let’s go: 

What is a public tutorial centre?

A public tutorial centre is simply a learning centre for students who want to improve their academic performance and pass their exams with flying colours. 

Tutorial centres are the go-to places for students who need academic support beyond the walls of their school classroom. 

Why should you consider starting a tutorial centre in Nigeria? 

Step-by-step guide on how to start a public tutorial centre in Nigeria 

1. Have a business plan:

Having a business plan in place is of vital importance in running a public tutorial centre in Nigeria. A business plan is your guide as you’re on the business journey. It enables you to properly layout business goals and track progress as the business begins to grow. 

It’s not really necessary to hire someone to write one for you because your plan can be as simple as one page. But if you don’t know-how at all, you can reach out to me. 

The important things to have in your business plan are: the amount of capital you are starting with, the location you want to use for the tutorial centre, how will you get paid and how much you want to charge per student or per class, who are your target students, what subjects are you taking the students, how will you get the students to sign up for class, what do you expect to make in profits and when. 

Once you’re done with this first step, you can move to the next one. 

2. Get a space for the tutorial centre 

Running a public tutorial centre in Nigeria requires that you have a space where students will be taking their lessons. Look for the best environment to position your centre. The location has to be easily accessible for people. 

It’s a big advantage for the business if you are able to get a space in an area where there are schools, supermarkets, religious centres, and bookshops.

3. Conduct market research in the location

Public tutorial centre business is strictly a location-based one. Your patronage will be mostly from the people in your environment and the areas close to you. Once you get a space for the centre, before making the payment, thoroughly carry out market research in that area. 

You can talk to some people in the area about your business. Enter barber shops where people are waiting to have their haircuts. Introduce your tutorial centre to them. And briefly tell them about the problems you’re solving and what you’re doing differently from others. Possibly, they may have or know candidates who need to attend a public tutorial centre to prepare for exams. And you may even get introduced to parents whose children need academic support. 

Another way to determine if your tutorial centre will record success in the area is to try and talk to some parents as they are picking up their children from school in the afternoon. You have to be strategic about this because you can’t talk to all the parents. And your talk should not be more than 5 minutes. Their response will help you to decide if the business endeavour is worth pursuing or not. 

You can step forward in your research by trying to gather contacts or talk to some teachers who teach in the schools in the area where you want to position your tutorial centre. They can give you valuable information about how the area is for the business. 

4. Decide the subjects to teach

Deciding on the subjects to teach follows market research. You have to be clear about the subjects you want to be taking students at your tutorial centre. Your research should give you ideas of the kinds of subjects that are in demand. However, you can choose the subjects you are good at. 

To the best of my knowledge, most of the students have issues with pure science subjects like chemistry, physics, and biology. Mathematics and English Language are not left out too as they are general subjects for all students. 

It is not a must to know and be able to teach all the subjects you are taking at your tutorial centre. You can employ competent teachers to handle the subjects. 

To record success in this business endeavour, being intentional and carefully selecting the subjects to take work well for those who are just starting out. 

5. Decide how you want to run the tutorial centre 

How many sessions do you want to hold in a day? How many teachers do you want to employ? What will you charge the students? What payment method are you using to pay the teachers? How will you measure the progress of each student? How will you track teachers’ attendance and performance? What days of the week are you having class? I think these are among the important questions to provide answers to in order to be able to run your tutorial centre in Nigeria in a good way. 

6. Market your tutorial centre 

Marketing informs your prospective customers about the services you are offering them. Marketing creates awareness for your tutorial centre business.

There are some good marketing strategies you can use in your own little way to make things work. You can design and print flyers to share in the tutorial centre environment. You can also design small banners and nail them to strategic places in the area 

Person-to-person marketing delivers good results for tutorial centre businesses in Nigeria. You can deploy resources to find your way of marketing your centre to parents in the environment. Ensure you don’t talk for more than 5 minutes. 

SMS marketing still works but it has to be targeted at the people in the environment to get good results. If you do some Google search, you get to know how you can buy contacts from dealers.

Another method you can employ to get the phone numbers of the people living in your tutorial centre environment is by checking the local businesses on Google map.  Things have gone digital. Businesses are findable on the Google map.

 Check the street in the area, copy the names of the businesses available on the map, Google search the name, copy the phone number, and send an SMS to them. Simple. 

Furthermore, Nigerians are getting comfortable searching for things on Google. They search for anything that comes to their mind. And this is a good opportunity for you to reach more people. Add your business to Google for free. How do you achieve this? 

Simply download Google My Business App, click on manage now, enter the name of your business and add all the required details, and click on verify for Google to verify your business and for your address to be visible. That’s all. 

In conclusion 

Nigerians spend heavily on education and they don’t stop anytime soon. The educational sector is growing at a rapid rate and the players are not meeting up with the demand. 

If you are able to set up a public tutorial centre in Nigeria in a good location to cater for students to meet their academic needs, and you repeatedly have a good number of candidates registering for classes, you are guaranteed that money will be flowing in. 

If the necessary steps are taken the right way, you can record success quickly. 

Now that you have the information on how to step up a public tutorial centre in Nigeria, what are you waiting for? 

Please, do let me know if you have any questions, contributions or contrary opinions about this information. Simply leave comments below. I would really love to hear from you. 

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